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Carolina’s Weight Loss on the 30 Day Low Calorie Density Challenge

This is an email I recieved this morning from Carolina Leonardo, 41, mom of 2 girls, living in North Carolina:

Hi Melissa!
I hope you are wonderful well!
A month and a half ago I discovered your channel with the 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge – March 2021. 
And it was the best thing that could happen to me!
I really appreciate all the help and information you provide.
Because I found the solution that I was looking for… for so long.
Eat rich, a lot, simple, cheap and without getting fat … what more could you ask for!
Now my life is in harmony and my body reflects all the wonder that is inside.
Thank you for being part of my journey because when you turned on your light you illuminated my path and I know it is the same from many people.
I sent a big hug for you and my best wishes in all aspects of your life !
With love,

Then, in a separate email, she sent me her before and after 30 Day Challenge photos and some of her meals:

“A month ago I weighed 135 pounds and now 130 that means my body is coming back!
The fat was gone to never come back because it’s not a diet for a few days it was a new lifestyle that includes a different way to eat and I’m not done, my journey has just begun!
Thank you so much Melissa!!!”

Before the 30 Day Challenge
Before the 30 Day Challenge
After the 30 Day Challenge
After the 30 Day Challenge

Carolina’s Low Calorie Density Meals:

Remember, consistency is key. This is not about quick weight loss based on restriction that only lasts few months before regaining it all again. This is slow and steady – 1 pound of fat loss per week by eating filling, satisfying low calorie density meals.

To learn about the FREE low calorie density weight loss challenge that you can begin at any time, click here.

(this testimonial was shared with Carolina’s permission)


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