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6 Reasons Potatoes are the Perfect Food for Weight Loss

But, Don’t potatoes make you GAIN WEIGHT?… NO! Here’s why…

Consider that the primary purpose of eating is to obtain enough energy to function throughout the day, and the body’s preferred source of this energy is carbohydrate.  Therefore, the foods that deliver the greatest amount of carbohydrate would logically be nutritionally superior and a high glycemic index food would be preferred.  So why condemn a food for doing what it is supposed to do – provide efficient fuel for your body?


 1.  Potatoes are only 1% fat. As Dr. McDougall has famously said: “The fat you eat is the fat you wear!”

2. They fill you up! Calorie per calorie, potatoes are over three times more filling than white bread. That’s important for weight loss because the more we fill up, the fewer calories we tend to eat overall. Pritikin.com

3. They are versatile! You can boil them, bake them, mash them… turn them into no-oil fries, hashbrowns, and even use them to make healthy desserts! 

4. Potatoes are inexpensive! You can eat potatoes, lose weight AND save money.  Win – Win.

5. They’re available EVERYWHERE.  Easily found in any grocery store year-round.

6. Potatoes are high in fiber – an important component for health and weight loss.

Looking for more information about potatoes and weight loss? Check out these fantastic videos, webinars, and articles to learn more:




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